News Category : WHATNEW

News : Central Hostels Facility for SC & ST UG Students
Published On 18/8/2023


Sub: Display of notice of admission in different Central Hostels (SC and ST) in Kolkata-regarding




ln reference to the above mentioned subject, lam directed to state that, the date of receiving applications for admission to different Central Hostels for SC and ST undergraduate students is hereby extended up to 3L,O8.2023. Application forms are available in the website: and to be submitted the same to the Office of Superintendents of respective Central Hostels. You are requested to disseminate the notice and information among SC/ST undergraduate students and to display the same in conspicuous place of your lnstitution to ensure attraction of all candidates as well as in classrooms for information to all concerned students.


This is for your kind information and taking necessary actions.